• @avguser@lemmy.world
    610 months ago

    I’ve been utilizing “pay yourself first” for over a decade and it works for me. I preset my saving and investing goals which are set to auto deduct from my accounts, I have recurring bills on auto pay, then everything else remaining is fair game to spend guilt free. Could I invest more if I spent less on luxuries? Yes, but then I should have factored that in at step one then redone the exercise again for the following month with less obligated money remaining.

    That being said, I do see the value in a formal budgeting solution since at the moment I only track my savings/investments and have a large blindspot to my expenses.

  • xyz
    510 months ago

    I believe I’m doing the zero-based budget method. It is a chore, and certainly not for everyone, but I like to keep track of every single expense.

  • @Macaroni_ninja@lemmy.world
    410 months ago

    Not sure where my method belongs…

    I usually set aside the money for bills, set aside budget for groceries and leave some for personal things and entertainment. Everything else goes to the savings account.

  • Lumberjacked
    410 months ago

    I use YNAB which I guess is technically zero based budgeting but we refer to the categories as envelopes. In my mind I’m doing the same thing as when I had cash in envelopes I just don’t have to deal with cash. I group my categories by the 50/30/20.

    So I guess 4 with a bit of 1 and 3?

    • @deeroh@lemdro.id
      310 months ago

      Yeah! +1 for YNAB. Been on it for around 6 months now, can’t imagine not using it anymore.

  • @blueskycorporation@lemmy.world
    310 months ago

    We use some sort of holistic approach. We don’t have specific envelopes or accounts for saving. We do have specific accounts for asset allocation although it’s not relevant for budgeting.

    1. sometimes in January, I look at our yearly income, input that through a model along with other things such as discount rate, net worth etc. The model shows us the projected time it will take to reach the table flipping point* (TFP) based on what we decide to spend.
    2. Generally, as with most people, income increases over the years as our career progresses so we usually have three options: increase spending and keep the TFP the same, keep spending the same and reach TFP sooner, or a mix in between. I show that to my wife and we decide which option we want.
    3. We now have a target spending for the year. I allocate it into categories in our budgeting app. I try to predict bills based on previous years. For example I try to account for likely increases in housing, etc.
    4. every couple months, I look back and adjust the categories based on actual spending. Reallocate between under budget categories and over budget categories. I look at the ratio year-to-date spending / year-to-date projected spending. It generally fluctuates between 90% and 110%, because actual expenses are not linear throughout the year. Vacations are discrete events for instance. If it goes over 110%, we start slowing down on lifestyle. Maybe eat out slightly less, etc.
    5. next year, repeat the process

    With practical numbers: in 2023 for instance, we set our target spending to about 25% - 30% of our income at the time. Money comes in, and as long as we control what money goes out, the rest is bound to stay saved.

    • Table flipping point: the point in time at which the amount of income provided from your portfolio becomes equal to the amount you are spending. From this point in time you have the constant option of flipping the table in your boss’s face, say I quit, and live from your investments from now on. It is usually called early retirement, but I don’t like that word because it assumes that you plan to retire when you reach it. Table flipping point means you keep working, but you do it because you enjoy your work, not because you need the money. You don’t have to take crap from your boss, you don’t have to worry about AI replacing you, etc…
  • @viking
    310 months ago

    Zero based budgeting for me, though I only discovered the method I came up with myself already had an established name.

    To me it’s simply the most straightforward approach.

  • @Jourei@lemm.ee
    310 months ago

    I have some kind of hybrid between no budget and pay yourself first.

    I have timed the biggest bills to land just after my monthly payday, I also do my savings at that time. Whatever is left on my account is free to use. I do have a buffer account, in case the month gets too tight.

  • @pdxfed@lemmy.world
    210 months ago

    I’ve never had a budget. I’ve worked and studied hard and lived far, far below my means which allowed me to get a bit ahead 20 years ago when it was more possible and a choice. I see people doing some of the things now I did and it’s not as effective because of corporate price gouging.

    I like saving money and loathe accumulating stuff I know is only a fleeting want. I enjoy buying quality things if they are lasting and fit into what I want my life to be. I enjoy things where I don’t have to repeatedly spend money to enjoy them. Some sports work for this, some don’t. Outdoor activities can be very cheap or free if you aren’t convinced you need something with a motor to make it fun. Libraries are a blessing.

    Because of the above, I’ve never had a budget. At times I’ve worried that I don’t when so many people talk about them so much but I’ve slowly come to trust myself to not need a budget with the realization a budget just helps others achieve what I’m lucky enough to have, organization and self control.

  • @Zuckey78@startrek.website
    210 months ago

    Zero based budget. Envelope method using the Goodbudget app (not really the way it’s meant to) so that my partner and I can see where we are at any given time firming the month for our “cash envelopes”.

    We use “cash envelopes” for: Groceries Restaurant Entertainment Cosmetics & Toiletries Pets Gas Dry Cleaning Haircuts Blow Money

  • @Hazdaz@lemmy.world
    110 months ago

    Do we have a non video explanation of what those methods are?

    I simply don’t have a budgeting method. I just don’t spend money until I need to. That might sound incredibly simplistic, but it works for me. I have money taken out of my paycheck for 401k. I have automatic withdrawal for mortgage. And then everything else just gets paid electronically 1st week of the month. Is that a “method”? I wouldn’t call it such, but it works.

    I know there are people out there who just can’t hold onto money. If they have $10 in their pocket, they’ll spend it. If they had $100, they’d spend that. It didn’t matter how much they made, they were always broke. I’ve never really understood that kind of thinking, quite honestly.