Yes, I know that it still exist, and yes, decentralized currency which utilizes distributed, cryptographic validation is not actually a strictly bad idea, but…

Is the speculative investment scam, which crypto substantially represented, finally dead? Can we go back to buying gold bars and Pokemon cards?

I feel like it is, but I’m having a hard time putting my finger on why it lost its sheen. Maybe crypto scammers moved on to selling LLM “prompts?” Maybe the rug just got pulled enough times that everyone lost trust.

  • The
    1 year ago

    Bitcoin’s in the low $29kus region lately (up from $26kus), so it looks like it’s going to keep going. Also, big real money investors are now pretty long on cryptocurrency, so there is a vested interest in keeping it around.

    Plus, you know, folks buying stuff on the black and grey markets with it. Wish I didn’t have to mention drugs, but it’s the easiest way to keep getting insulin for folks these days in addition to the usual recreational compounds.