Having to deal with cybersecurity from time to time, I get the impression that reality is more and more turning into a real cyberpunk dystopia.

OK, we do not have flying cars, spaceships or offworld colonies like in blade runner, but we do have

  • hackers, state-hackers, hacktivists, … sometimes disabling complete industries
  • There is a rise of AI
  • There is to power of big companies (like the big tech companies) who control the thinking-process of millions (although they do not yet have mercenaries)
  • there is the all-connected internet, without which devices stop working.
  • there is the influence of regllious minorities
  • there is not yet that much cybernetics in the sense of people walking around with augmentic implants, but the science of microbiology is doing some very crazy stuff the last couple of years with DNA and CRISPR

And there is Climate change that is looms over everything!

Any comments or thoughs?