My joints hurt and I’m constantly sleepy. There’s far more but I don’t want to go into detail. I need my medicine for my body to stop hurting. I moved countries and instead of being forwarded to the doctor I need I was forwarded to a specific clinic and apparently they don’t accept new patients anymore and don’t even have the doctor I need. I’m confused and tired. I don’t speak the local language. I was fine scheduling a visit with the doctor because it allowed me to seek doctors who speak English but he forwarded me to a hospital which doesn’t have any online stuff. I’ll try to call tomorrow but expect them not to speak English. I was happy to finally have healthcare coverage but now I’m angry I’m forced to pay hundreds a month and cannot even receive the help I need. I’m sad. I technically can buy people reselling their medicine but I’m scared it might be too old, spiked or else. And just don’t have the money nor will to do stuff like this. I hate this. :(

  • Oh and I’m waiting on a dna test result to see if the issue is actually genetical (I only get symptomatic treatment, no source diagnose yet) and it was supposed to arrive last week but it didn’t and the laboratory isn’t responding. I had to take two days sick which I used my holidays for despite starting a new job last month. The doctor expressed my case is rare which I know but he didn’t ask me any questions, just told me he cannot do anything and has to forward me. I don’t understand why they can forward you to a specific clinic if said clinic may no longer accept new patients.