What games have been scratching your itch this week? What’s been great, what’s been ordinary, what’s been forgettable?

The bot’s having a day off after our elections in the UK (it’s always a late night waiting for results to trickle in) but it’ll be back after it’s had a good rest and a talk with itself about responsibilities.

Links welcome, and hope you had a lovely week :)

  • cardboardempress@incremental.socialOPM
    3 months ago

    This week I closed Fundamental - definitely worth playing, but I feel I’ve come to the end of it for me.

    I finished Progress Knight Quest and closed the tab! :D

    Megami Quest One and Two

    As ever, Anti-Idle: the Game. This link is to the developer’s Google drive and has the standalone Flash executable as well as docs.

    Oh, and shedloads of Terraria. I’m still bad at all aspects of the game but terribly pleased I’ve beaten the first 3 bosses on classic. I’m really that awful at combat.