• Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Is anyone here into modern spirituality stuff? Was supposed to go to this cool thing in Brunswick today, like an expo, but I can’t because of the migraine.

    Been really trying to find that community and I’m pretty heartbroken that I can’t go to this expo 😔😔😔

    • dumblederp@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      What do you think modern spirituality is? Philosophically, stoicism and buddhism have all the answers I need.

      I’ve found a big part of the spirituality community is guru-type guys trying to spirituality their way into young girls pants and a bunch of women burned by said guru-guys. Eg, confest creeps, anyone ever met a guy who goes by Quoll?

      I have ZERO time for reiki, tarot, psychics or anything to do with crystal energy. I think it’s nonsense and avoid getting to know “believers”. I’m not interested in debate with someone so off the deep end of reality, I feel they’re akin to flat-earthers.

      These days the whole eat healthy food --> crunchy parents --> right-wing nutjob pathway seems very prevalent. Many of my loose bush doof friends have started talking about satanists taking over and the need to protect ourselves from the government. One mate called the whole Trump trail a false flag because Trump was going to reveal the truth about “how it all works”. The anti-government / right-wing view come thick and strong.

      I’ve grown up Buddhist but have left the community, kind of felt like a loser magnet. I’m fine handling my relationship with the universe on my own terms. There’s no shortage of self-directed study material. I have zero belief in an afterlife.

      • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        I have ZERO time for reiki, tarot, psychics or anything to do with crystal energy. I think it’s nonsense and avoid getting to know “believers”. I’m not interested in debate with someone so off the deep end of reality, I feel they’re akin to flat-earthers.

        You’d hate my mum hahahah! I do! 😂

      • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        As I replied further up the thread, it’s an investigative process. I used to be a part of that community a very long time ago before I chose to throw my life away for about 10 years.

        I grew up in a muslim household, and if people knew what went on in those families, they would understand when I say I don’t generally associate with that crowd. Similar to how you feel about Buddhists.

        I can’t speak for the predatory behaviour, because back in the early 2000’s it was all bush doofs and lsd. Or maybe I didn’t notice.

        I’m surprised to hear that a portion of that community has turned towards the right wing. I hadn’t heard that before. That’s actually fucking insane. Maybe they’re not as anti-racist as I had assumed.

        As for the “woo-woo”, I don’t particularly subscribe to much of that, but I am agnostic, and find that crowd at least willing to discuss things around that idea. Can’t say I’ve had any luck finding people into that sort of thing in the circles I’ve travelled the last 8 or so years. I don’t subscribe to Identity Politics, so I’m generally unwelcome in Progressive circles despite being left wing myself.

        Appreciate the info though.

        • just_kitten@aussie.zone
          3 months ago

          I’m surprised to hear that a portion of that community has turned towards the right wing.

          I think even they don’t know it themselves. The podcast “Conspirituality” is pretty good at investigating this stuff, from what I hear. I think it’s a distinctly post-Trump thing that went into overdrive with Covid. Distrusting the lockdown and vaccine measures opened up huge swathes to hardcore rightwing communities that were ready to suck them in and provide them with a sense of community in a time of crisis overriding rational thought (which was unfortunately the basis of many hippie groups in the first place tbh).

          Not subscribing to identity politics is also a hard one with progressive circles as you mentioned.

          Every “scene” has its downside tbh, especially if you have a difficult past and/or are not white. It’s an everyday task to rewire the brain to allow moments of belonging and areas of common ground to sink in, vs the sometimes disproportionate amount of attention given to the moments of not-belonging. Hard to not be hyper vigilant and to trust. Trying to seek a community in that frame of mind is difficult…

          • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
            3 months ago

            I figured that vaccines and lockdowns would be the thing that brought them across to the right. And it’s not surprising that the right welcomed them with open arms to swell their numbers.

            You make an interesting point about fitting in. For me, it resonates that I would have a disproportionate perception of not fitting in. The 2 natural communities I would belong to, I don’t want anything to do with. One of them being Alcoholics Anonymous.

            I generally keep my past to myself in real life. Which creates a sort of glass wall between myself and others. I feel that the “hippie” community would be less inclined to judge me harshly for the life I’ve lived previously, than say, the average person.

            But you’ve given me something to consider. Thank you :)

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      I too would love to know what modern spirituality actually consists of. There are plenty of options on offer out there. My problem with what passes for modern ‘spirituality’ is that the people that do it can degenerate into candle-waving idiots very quickly. Ripe for exploitation by influencers and other profiteers. I very much distrust anything that requires me to buy something to be ‘spiritual’. I’m including christianity in this list, and it’s a long one.

      I guess the operative word here is community - cos we all need at least one as we are pack/herd animals at a very basic level. Community is worth seeking out but comes in a lot of different flavours and uses a lot of different jargons. I’m all in favour of researching the topic personally, but would encourage you to keep your brain cells engaged while you do so. There will be other events like this expo - there are too many fools out there ready to spend their money on shit.

      • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        I was just interested in gaining a better understanding of it myself. I’m aware of the “woo-woo” crunch insanity that proliferates in those circles. I’m agnostic, and the only people who I can find that are of a similar persuasion tend to collect at those sorts of events.

        Before the “fall”, that used to be my community. I can’t say I belived everything that was popular in that world, but I enjoyed the open minded-ness of the people I met through it. I ended up engaged to someone from that world.

        The “Metal Community” here is pretty fucking racist, despite what some may say. So I don’t do so well there. That’s the only other subculture that I would like to be a part of.

        The new age hippies are pretty chill when it comes to race.

        As it currently stands, I belong no-where. And I’m capable of sniffing out snake oil salesmen/women.

    • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      My mum is extremely spiritual, I grew up learning how to do tarot readings, which crystals have certain energies, aura readings, palm readings, etc.

      I don’t believe any of it, all it did was exacerbate her schizophrenia lol.

      There is a crystal shop on Sydney Rd now though, and I bought a small garnet because they’re pretty. My inner magpie loves crystals and stones. If you have a specific crystal in mind, I can have a look for you! Let me know!

    • tombruzzo@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      Not my thing but I noticed these events get suggested pretty heavily on Facebook and Eventbrite. If the thing in Brunswick has a Facebook event all the suggested events should be pretty similar.

      There are also these witchy markets on semi regularly, but they move around. There might be one on near you soon

    • Stephen Darby :ma_flag_aus:@mastodon.au
      3 months ago

      @Gibsonisafluffybutt @Seagoon_ I am vaguely Quaker. Humanistic agnostic and very moderate, but still believe the universe is a mystery. My wife is lapsed catholic and dabbles in psychic and magic practises.

      Ahmadi, Sufi, Wahabi, Shiite, Sunni are all denominations of islam I believe. I heard the call to prayer a few times, but even if we’re to revert to Islam, it would be as humanistic agnostic progressive lukewarm sort of Muslim. “Almost Muslim” would be a new denomination I think.

        • Stephen Darby :ma_flag_aus:@mastodon.au
          3 months ago

          @CEOofmyhouse56 a “Almost Muslim” is an emerging new denomination indeed. I saw an episode of ‘insight’ on SBS where people identified as non-practising Muslim or cultural Muslim. I guess it is to be expected in liberal democracy that moderate and progressive beliefs are tolerated to some extent. The Sydney mardi-gras had a christian float recently. religion can and does change over time. The scientific calender etc.

          • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
            3 months ago

            I’m guessing a cultural Muslim means you pretend to practise for the sake of the family. That doesn’t make you a Muslim. Unless cultural Muslim means something else.

            My husband was born a Muslim. He does not practise Islam nor does he identify as Islamic but he respects their beliefs.

            • Stephen Darby :ma_flag_aus:@mastodon.au
              3 months ago

              I guess the meaning of ‘Cultural Muslim’ depends on your intention. My wifes family are Cultural catholics which I understand to mean they are raised in the culture of catholicism with all its history, language and practise, but they are not church regulars.

              • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
                3 months ago

                I see. I know a few Catholics like your wife her family. It was the “almost Muslim” that threw me because it’s not quite how that works.

                I am glad that people are thinking outside the box in terms of religion.