I’m interested in the game, I guess mostly because of the hype. I enjoyed Skyrim and Diablo 1/2/4, and I suppose they’re somewhat similar to Baldurs Gate. Given that basic knowledge, is there a good change I’d like Baldurs Gate 3? Also, could I just jump into it without playing the first two?

  • SpicySquid@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Quite possibly. The gameplay is quite different though. There more conversation trees and choices there have quite some impact on the story and outcomes.

    The (combat) system will likely be something you will have to get used to compared to Skyrim and Diablo. It is based on Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. So you will have to manage your actions each turn of combat in order to get the most out of your characters.

    I highly recommend the game, for the reasons above and more.