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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/what-are-they-saying on 2024-07-03 17:17:47+00:00.

She likes to talk about church. The woman is 80, and slightly crazy, so i just grey rock her when she talks about the church and BOM. We ended up talking about this guy in our very small town who just got 5yrs in prison for sexually assaulting a male foreign exchange student that lived with him. And she has the audacity to say she doesnt think he did it because she knows him and his family and they’re such good people and they go to the church!

And then she brought up my great uncle, who got sentenced to 25yrs in prison when i was a kid and i had no idea what happened. Apparently when he was mid twenties he had a sexual relationship with one of my other great uncles daughters while she was a teen. And my grandma thinks the punishment was way too harsh and he didn’t deserve that and the girl must have been lying. When i tried ti say he should’ve known better, she just brushed that off and said “oh and she blamed him for them going all the way, but she obviously had something to do with it”

This man clearly sexually assaulted someone much younger than him and she just felt bad for him. And feels bad that the daughter no longer speaks to her parents because they forgave the offender. And then she gave me a spiel on the Lamanites and forgiveness and tossing down their swords.

I love this lady. I live right next to her. I help her all the time because she lives alone. But holy crap i don’t think i can ever have a conversation like this with her again. I felt like she grew a second head and i didn’t know her. I hate how much TSCC victim blames.