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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Turrible_basketball on 2024-07-03 19:13:16+00:00.

I stopped going to church about a month ago. No one has reached out.

Despite reading many comments about how no one reached out after OP left the church. I thought it might be different for me. My TBM spouse and sons still go to church. I’ve been very active, filled callings, cleaned the chapel, and been in the same ward for years. We generally have really great people in our ward. Surely some of them would reach out, right?

Y’all were right. Crickets.

Now, don’t’ get me wrong, I’m happy no one has reached out. I don’t feel the need to explain myself to anyone and certainly don’t want to get into a long conversation about it. It’s just odd all my brothers and sisters who professed they loved me and cared for my family haven’t noticed (or cared) I’m gone.