Hello. I’m a hobbist on electronics repairs, and I did some repairs on stuff powered from the wall socket before, using a serial bulb to protect the circuit in case there’s a short. Now I want to troubleshoot a board that works at 3V and very low current (like no more than 100mA). So, how can I properly size the bulb I need for this circuit before powering it? Or is there a better way to protect the circuit than a serial bulb? Thanks in advance.

  • LemmyBr785@discuss.tchncs.deOP
    1 year ago

    Hey, thanks for your reply. By serial bulb I mean a incandescent lamp in series with the circuit. I was looking for a cheap and diy option, but I’ll take a look on a bench power supply. I still need to get me a decent one anyways.

    • jjagaimo@lemmy.one
      1 year ago

      Ah. It’s not going to be possible to size it because the bulb is then acting as a resistor essentially. Unless you know what the equivalent resistance of the circuit you’re testing is, and it draws a fixed current, you aren’t going to be able to cap the current; Adding a resistor (or bulb) is just going to drop the input voltage and you will probably end up having other issues