Hello everyone,

In my endeavor for MR30 I’ve hit a bit of a snag, everything that I haven’t already wring all the affinity from is either a great pain to acquire or Prime.

I get how prime works, crack relics to have a chance of what you want and refine/don’t to bias the odds in favor of what you’re after. However the hard part for me is keeping track of what pieces I need and what relics have them…

I’ve just started what I believe is my third or fourth notecard on this subject. So, how do you track what you still need and where it’s from?

  • Kaldo@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I used to keep excels and lists and to be honest… Its easier to just go into the ingame codex, weapons/warframes, sort by rank and scroll to bottom. Find something that looks doable, check the wiki and then go for it.

  • Dystopia@dormi.zone
    1 year ago

    If you want to quickly check in game, head to the relic station and type in the blueprint i.e. “Mesa Prime Blueprint” and hover it. (only built warframe parts will show up, but I don’t think you needed to have it claimed out of the foundry). It will tell you what you currently have crafted for the frame. Primed weapons don’t require you to craft any of their components so you don’t need to worry about them when searching for their blueprint. Obviously this won’t show you that you own “Mesa Prime Neuroptics Blueprint”.

    Also remember to check what is currently in rotation for Prime Resurgence and what is coming out next (I think they give you ~7 days notice). If there’s a lot of stuff you’re missing from that rotation, you know that you want to spend a little more time collecting Aya instead of just passively earning it.

  • Camreth@dormi.zone
    1 year ago

    I’ve gone through four different methods of tracking all of that. When I first started pushing mr, I used a excel spreadsheet with a ton of conditional formatting and autolookups. Eventually it started to get really laggy so I turned it into a sql database which worked fine but just like the excel sheet it was a pain to maintain as I had to go back through updates I’d skipped and add a bunch of stuff retroactively after breaks etc.

    After getting tired of the database shenanigans I found this website which worked fine (still does). Now days I usually just use Alecaframe however. I don’t really like overwolf, but the benefits outweigh the downsides especially after wfinfo started acting up on relic reward screens.

    The biggest advantage of alecaframe is that you can see what part you still need to farm in the app without having to dig through the foundry which I find very helpful at least since I tend to forget what parts I miss. A small tip a lot of people don’t know is also that you can just search for parts in the relic screen and you’ll see all Relics with that part so you don’t have to dig through to find out what you have.

  • TZer0@dormi.zone
    1 year ago

    Focus on a couple of things at a time and figure out what stuff you can trade for.

    Personally, I made a spreadsheet for tracking all of this and I used the in-game profile and foundry (once I had the BP of something) to keep track of what I was missing.