The U.S. Government Wants To Control Online Speech to “Protect Kids”::The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a bill that allows for a wide range of government penalties for online speech, could soon be passed by Congress. If that happens, the access we have to information may be forever changed. KOSA will make state prosecutors and federal bureaucrats the final arbiters…
I just love how America has become the political symbol for “the worst of both worlds”. I just love living with no privacy with random freedoms infringed, and also where any random person could decide to gun me down in the street with no great difficulties.
Pretty funny how “the land of the free” is basically the opposite of what it claims to be.
Well, what’s even worse is the phrase “ The Land of the Free” isn’t free… it’s trademarked by a tofu or soy company. Go capitalism.
Protect them by making them smarter, not by stripping away our constitutional rights.
but education is bad for those in power. so are your rights.
weird how those who keep claiming “protect the kids!” really just want to control everything you do and spy on you. and then they keep getting busted for things like pedophelia, child molestation, chid sex trafficking, and possessing child porn?
weird, huh?
Well they’re experts on everything awful, and they project that everyone else is doing it too. The law isn’t enforced on them, so it’s alright.
The U.S. GovernmentConservatives Want to Control Online Speech to “Protect Kids”FIFY
A Bipartisan Coalition of Conservatives (Democrats) and Fascists (Republicans) Want to Control Online Speech to “Protect Kids”
Yep, UK are trying to do the same, also Conservatives! 👎
If they wanted to protect kids they’d have a long list of better options.
Gun control Better funding for education Mental health services Improvements to adoption/foster care systems
The list goes on. We’ve been shown the government only cares about kids until they’re born. So until those things are fixed, I’m going to assume it’s not really about the kids, and more about stripping our rights away.
and I want to know your credit card details to check for data leaks #trustMe
It is always Blumenthal behind these anti-internet and anti-free speech bills. Always. He was behind the last few attempts under other names as well.
EU trying to kill E2E encryption for citizens while explicitly excluding companies and politicians is not exactly better. To protect the kids, of course.
Seems like the powerful and wealthy are done with letting us plebs having a go at this new medium. Can’t let regular people influence society can they?
“Can you tell in one sentence or less, why is America the greatest country in the world?”
“It’s got, huuuu(5 minutes pass)uuuuhhhh, MUH FREEDOM”
im scared of this (I’m 14 and live in US)