Putin goes on to say

”Our proposal is not to freeze the conflict, like how the west wants it, but to end it. I repeat, this is not to freeze the conflict, but for its final completion.”

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        Good to know the Eastern Ukrainians getting shelled in their homes for almost a full decade are imaginary

        Boy, would my face have been red if I had been supporting Nazis carrying out an ethnic cleansing in those regions

        Glad it was just Kremlin propaganda and epic smol bean Ukraine isn’t a reactionary shithole throwing an entire generation into a meat grinder war for no good reason

        • CasualPenguin@reddthat.com
          4 months ago

          That is a whole different topic than the thread you’re replying to which is about Russia starting this invasion as the aggressors.

          If you want to discuss the conflict in eastern Ukraine, we can, but don’t start by getting snarky about some imagined argument that exists only in your mind.

          • Egon [they/them]@hexbear.net
            4 months ago

            The thread is about Russia seeking peace, peace for a war that was started, in part, due to the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Pretending like this is not directly part of the discussion you’ve tried to begin just further shows your lack of fundamental understanding on the subject. It’s a poor rhetorical trick as well.

            Anyway, why don’t you volunteer for Ukraine? They need people, and you obviously believe this war is important enough to continue a meat grinder that has led to the average age of the Ukrainian army forced conscript fighter being 43.
            You didn’t answer last time I asked, just like you ignored so many other users questions and comments that couldn’t be dismissed with an asinine quip. Challenge your worldview, or please come with an actual well-founded analysis that can challenge ours.

          • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]@hexbear.net
            4 months ago

            It is absolutely not a “whole different topic”. Why are you liberals so afraid of historical context?

            Oh that’s right, because it demolishes your delusional view of the world.

          • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]@hexbear.net
            4 months ago

            But the conflict in Eastern Ukraine is one of the main inciting incidents of the war.

            This is like saying we can’t bring up the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in a discussion or why Austria-Hungry invaded Serbia.

      • Mog_Pharou [he/him]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        There’s nothing imaginary about a hostile nuclear power on your border. That is a gun to your head. The US did not allow it in Cuba. Russia will not allow it in Ukraine.

      • Egon [they/them]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        Imagine that there is a massive military alliance led by China whose sole purpose is to “curtail” the US. Despite several attempts at diplomacy from the US this military alliance has never been anything but belligerent. In the 90’s it bombed… The UK? (What’s a good US equivalent to Yugoslavia?)

        Since then the US has reformed itself to be more like China in part due to assurances that the military alliance would not expand further.

        After this the military alliance has expanded to include most of South America and Central America. Mexico is left as the only buffer.
        Some time ago there was a coup in Mexico. Wikileaks managed to capture phone conversations between Chinese apparatchiks discussing who should be put in power, and the people they discussed DID come into power, how about that?*

        Now the president of America is stating publicly that if Mexico looks to join NATO the anti-US military alliance that has orchestrated coups in both the US and Mexico, then the US will invade Mexico as a precaution. The president states that this is a red line. The anti-US alliance refuses discussions and instead keeps stating publicly that Mexico will be made a member of the anti-US alliance, it has to be in order to prepare for “future conflict”. Around this time the anti-US alliance establishes military bases on Cuba. Mexico keeps saying it will look to join NATO. No one is willing to have talks with the US (funnily enough the leader of China actually said in the 90’s that expanding the anti-US alliance would be a mistake and would lead to war with the US).

        While all this is happening mexican fascist militias are bombing regions of Mexico with majorities of ethnic USians. This is in breach of two treaties, which is wholly disregarded by both Mexico and the anti-US alliance.
        It looks like the red line is about to be crossed. A red line that the anti-us alliance had pledged not to cross.

        Now if all that had happened, can you understand why the US might invade Mexico?

        Okay then, let’s leave this imaginary scenario and… wow would you look at that! It all has parallels to modern day Russia-Ukraine. It seems like this heavy-handed analogy that you’re going to dismiss due to being “too long” or “unrealistic” (because let’s be honest, you’re the type to struggle with hypothetical) actually had a point! Wow pulling your head out of your ass sure can be fun, huh?

        *The coup was led by a fascist militia whose main motivation was to get ethnic USians out of Mexico. After the coup a public referendum was held