I mean you know were getting benis here on Hexbear
5lbs of free quarters by the looks of that lock
people don’t carry cash anymore so there’s no free quarters in the soda pinatas
I do lol
miss me with that $4.25 bottle of pop because the card reader fees (+greed)
Every time I go to a coffee shop or restaurant and the card reader is down I feel like a god. Plus I leave bigger tips when I pay cash tbh (psychological thing I think)
edit: also they still have to stock them with coins so they can give change unless they completely remove the bill acceptor
end me
Omg they made benis a real thing
Oh fugggggg
Nothing but original bepis for me.
Is conke alright?
trying to decide between a John Colatrane and a Mingus Dew
Watch out for the scorpion
Ben’s got the feel good juice
crystal bepis
end me
a crowbar, brb
at my uni in the student hangout, some guys put up an old soda machine and sold regular soft drinks at slightly above shop price. Convenient, whatever.
But they also had a “mystery drink” button, which could dispense a can not present on other selections, like vanilla coke or dr pepper, low abv beer… or just straight up canned mushrooms. I did get the mushrooms once.
diet rite baybeee
Gimme the pepe