Parity branding ok?

The removal could be done by cropping it out. And perhaps if the branding is more so inside the image, it should be covered up.

What does the community think?

  • @viking
    181 month ago

    I prefer to see the branding in case I want to buy one myself. Unless it’s a blatant ad, I never really felt annoyed by a visible brand or logo.

    21 month ago

    What about branding that is the target of the “going hard”?

    Say an anti-cigarette-company image, that, oh, e.g. identifies the average-life-span of the “Marlboro Man” models who smoked Marlboros??

    Differentiate based on how it is being implimented in the image, not on the fact that it exists.

    Disallowing brand-images would disallow criticism of those brands from appearing here, wouldn’t it?

    Beware of clumsy law!

    ( :