Baldur’s Gate 3’s huge launch has reignited the age-old debate about save scumming.

  • bh11235
    1 year ago

    Christ, that game. Coming into it I’d just played Dragon Age: Inquisition and took one big lesson from that previous experience – no more filler quests. Is the quest part of the main plot? No? Do I actually predict a good payoff, and not just imagine it could maybe be there? Also no? Then skip the quest. That approach would have saved me like a 100 hours on DA:I that were entertaining but ultimately, in retrospect, wasted. I thought it would serve me well coming into this new game.

    Imagine my surprise discovering that after the first act Pathfinder: Kingmaker becomes “wander and stumble upon side quests to pass the time, the game”, crossed with some kind of painfully elaborate toy version of Crusader Kings that I found I had zero enthusiasm to play. Once the main quest became officially gated by in-game time I was tempted to quit right then. In spite of myself I said “fine let’s explore” and tried going to four different places, only to get rekt each time due to ‘not supposed to be here yet’ underleveling. That’s when I shook my head sadly and threw in the towel. I suddenly gained an unexpected appreciation for DA:I, which at least did entertain me for those 100 wasted hours.