Seriously, he moved it to schedule 2, all that means is that a few people might be able to use it medically. Meth is schedule 2 for Christ’s sake.

Turns out it’s schedule 3, not 2. Roman numerals are the XIIth type of liberalism.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    4 months ago

    So being Canadian, weed is legal. But also before that even, fucking EVERYONE smoked/smokes weed where I am. According to wastewater studies we are the most stoned province (it ain’t BC, surprisingly) and like, growing up it wasn’t weird to find that other kid’s parents smoked weed, my ex’s grandma was an absolute stoney baloney. It’s almost weirder if you don’t, and that applied to before legalization. It seems like it’s still generally more taboo there culturally. I grew up in the neighborhoods they filmed early Trailer Park Boys in and it’s not an unrealistic reflection of the place, fucking EVERYONE smokes weed.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        4 months ago

        They really dropped the ball in our province and had the government handle the whole retail part, like they do liquor. They failed to consider how absurdly cheap weed had always been here and that everyone already had at least one dealer. They did the American 8th/quarter kinda thing and with essentially a $10/g cost until you hit an Oz with is still $120 at the lowest, double street price. Canada weed prices go $10 per g, 3 for $25, 5 for $40, if you’re buying small quantities, but if you’re not a sucker it’s easy as hell to find a solid quality ounce for $60. I pay $40 per oz

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        4 months ago

        Like, at best they’d run your pockets and tske away what you had on you. One time when I was 18 or 19 walking to my parents place after a party, and it had been a really far walk, like a good 20 km, so although I was drunk at the start I wasn’t by this point when a cop pulled up on me like 5 blocks from home, I guess I had stumbled a bit but once I was talking to her and explained I was on my way home and very close and how far I’d already come from quite safely she was about to leave until another fucking cop was coming by and decided to also pull over. She said ‘fuck, it’s my supervisor, sorry’ searched me, found like 5 grams asked if it was for personal use, I said yup and then supervisor cop wanted to take me to the drunk tank and we both pointed out I’m wayyyy closer to my house than the drunk tank so I got put under arrest, cuffed and then released to the custody of my parents as an adult. ACAB but some Ca are more Bs than others, the cop that was gonna let me off seemed concerned my parents would come down hard on me, they knew where I was and what I was doing, it was fine. They did come out and chew the supervisor out. Later while being arrested at a protest with a group of people and they were trying to get us to rat they asked us as a group which of us had a criminal record, after a while they finally called my name about it, turns out that ‘record’ was the 5 grams seized, but that’s not a criminal record because I was never charged, they just ran names and found a seizure, but there was never any charged and I was placed under arrest to my parents custody (illegally cause adult) for drunk in public charges and possession never came up.