In Defense of Punching Left

I’m a liberal. I’ve always been a liberal…


“Don’t punch left” is the core tenet of Solidarity, a new book by Astra Taylor and Leah Hunt-Hendrix. In a laudatory interview with the Washington Post, Hunt-Hendrix said the book was aimed not only at progressives in general but also specifically at liberals who criticize the left, naming me and newsletter author Matthew Yglesias as “falling into the right’s divide-and-conquer strategy.”

I read a couple more paragraphs and I had to stop. I forgot what a terrible writer he is. The article is like reading a textbook that lectures you.

r/neoliberal thread

  • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    Wealth redistribution is socdem nonsense designed to have a better capitalism.

    Tackle climate change

    While wanting to preserve the market economy. They probably think it’s doable, but if you understand capitalism and the bourgeois state you know it’s not.

    advance social justice

    What does this mean? They can move the goalposts as far as they want and claim they achieved it. Useless category.

    care only about corporations

    Yes, I know. You like the petty bourgeois too! How nice of you. Fuck off.

    and the status quo.

    See “social justice” above. They do like the state, capitalism and everything that entails. You are the status quo. The only reason you claim not to be is to differentiate yourself from other supporters of capital.