Long story short I have PCOS apparently. That means high testosterone. Why am I sharing this? I just think it’s fucking shitty that I as an AFAB person can get feminizing hormone therapy after as little as a blood test, but if I was a trans woman or man, or if I wanted hormone therapy to affirm my being non-binary, I would most likely have to jump through all sorts of hoops.

Anyway maybe I’m just pissy because going to the doctor always reminds me that most people see me as a just a butch woman. Feeling shitty and dysphoric.

    • SwitchyWitchyandBitchy [she/her]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      Repping 150 is already amazing! Hell repping 100 would be amazing! I have a lofty goal but that’s also cause I’m really tall with a sturdy build, so a healthy and happy body weight for me is anywhere between 100kg and 120kg.

      Some people find that emasculating I think it’s sexy as hell

      It’s just badass. It’s only emasculating if being stronger than women is part of your identity, which I understand is what is pushed by society a lot on boys starting when they’re young but it’s still cringe. Be careful about who you engage with online about it being sexy though, there’s a lot of people who are only interested in strong women as far as they can fetishize us, they’re not true allies.