So I made a fun little 9/11 post cuz I was bored at work, and I think I got a few people a little worked up. My b. I want to try this again, with a little more brevity. Bush did 9/11. That is a fact, no matter which way you stick those pigs (no offense to actual pigs feral-hog)

To clarify for everyone still on their high school debate team, “Bush” refers to any member of the Amerikkkan political dynasty, while “did” refers to their complicity. “9/11” refers to two distinct events. One event being the attacks on the World Trade Center in NYC, 2001. The other event is the 1973 coup against the Allende government in Chile.

No, I wont be posting any links cuz idc, do your own research if you doubt me. The point is that HW Bush was a collaborator with the fascist regime of Pinochet in Chile, HW Bush and his goons, like Cheney and Rumsfeld setup the board for two wars in Iraq. The Gulf War was cited as one of the motives for 9/11 by bin Laden himself, alongside a laundry list of other imperialist actions supported or outright orchestrated by members of the Bush family.

You could take this as far as you want tho. The Bush family had business ties to the bin Laden family, etc. etc. But no matter how you slice it, whether an outright conspiracy or just straight up blowback from their own imperial hubris, they are complicit. It’s history, not my opinion, “Bush did 9/11” is just true. Debate the extent of that complicity all you want, but at a certain point its just pedantics cuz you think “truthers” are annoying, debate shit.

Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED Talk, please be civil in the comments joker-laden