While other professions are making up ground, cybersecurity still lags behind in female representation, thanks to a lack of respect and inclusion.

  • MetaCubed@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    There may be a trend for certain biological influences to make it more likely for someone to enjoy something, however what people enjoy is absolutely, socially influenced. Even if you are raising your children without gender roles when you interact with them… Do they consume any amount of media? Do they leave the house? Do they go to school? I ask this because interacting with the world influences what we know about and what we know about and our experiences influence what we find interest in. If a boy has only ever seen Barbie played with by girls, and all the kids at school say barbie is “for girls”, and the TV shows barbie and pink stuff being used by girls, then he may not even want to ask to play with it, even if a parent is providing it as an option.

    Examples tangentially related to this article:

    Programming used to be a job “for women”. It was clerical work that very often went uncredited, and yet now, the field is (nearly) entirely male dominated, even if less than 10 years ago. It’s commonly thought that a big reason for the shift is PC’s and consoles in the 80’s and 90’s being primarily marketed to men and boys.

    Teaching was a man’s career in the early 1800’s… By the late 1800’s it was around 60% women, and not it’s nearly 75% female.

    If our career interests were biologically determined (an insane statement if you ask me) then we would never see demographic shifts like this.

    Edit: I make a lot of typos

    • xenspidey@lemmy.zip
      2 months ago

      And I would argue that the teaching thing was because education was considered a “man’s role” now there is no stereotype and women flock more to that profession. I used to play with cabbage patch dolls as a kid, my sister grew up and switched to barbie and my little pony. I had no interest. It wasn’t because a show told me I shouldn’t like it it’s because I had zero interest. It’s almost like you’re making the argument that homosexuality is learned behavior and not ingrained biology… no, if you are gay you are gay and you know it. It’s not because someone “groomed” you to be gay. Programming used to be a secretarial job, so yes the gender norms of the time would have leaned more heavily towards women. It’s not necessarily because they wanted to code (it looked wayyy different back then). Now there are wonderful women coders, welders, plumbers, you name it. That’s just not the biological norm. My wife hates math, hates that kind of stuff. but she has her masters in education because she loves nurturing and teaching. Are there guys like her, sure. I love teaching too. it’s just not my passion.

      I’m not saying career interests are biology driven, but that life interests are. Take the difference between male and female brains for example. Females have more empathy then males. Males have more of an ability to tune everything else out but a single thing while females cannot. Which if you believe in the hunter / gatherer theory makes sense. Males were out hunting and being hyper focused on the kill while the females were protecting the young and needed to pay attention to everything all at once.

      Men and Women should 100% be equal, but they certainly are not the same, interests or otherwise.