A recent survey shows not all Canadians are ready to make the switch to an electric vehicle as they have concerns about charging stations, cold weather and battery life.

  • OminousOrange@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    The underlying plot of this article is rather obnoxious. This Smith guy’s 2016 Hyundai hybrid broke and the dealer gave him a $15k quote to fix it, which was then resolved by Hyundai corporate. The headline statement is one small paragraph, and irrelevant to this random story.

    To discuss the headline, though, I think it all stems from misinformation more than anything. I have an EV in the charging desert of north east Saskatchewan. It’s a fantastic car and I wouldn’t hesitate to buy one again. Yes, you do have to plan ahead a bit if you’re going longer distances, but the slight inconvenience is well worth the savings in fuel. Winter range can be reduced by around 50% at -30, but again, you plan around that. ICE vehicles don’t perform well at those temperatures either.

    Even then, the trips the vast majority of people make are well within typical EV ranges and there are often several charging option wherever the vehicle is parked.

    • BlameThePeacock@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      Misinformation, and a lack of experience are absolutely massive.

      People don’t know how simple an EV is until they have one for a while.