The European Union should suspend its trade and institutional ties with Israel to deter war crimes that amount to genocide in the Gaza Strip, the UN’s special rapporteur on Palestine has said.

“Europe is the main trading partner - which accounts I think for 30% of Israel’s trade - so it has a huge power and it should use that power. In the end, this is not an option, it’s an obligation because Article 2 of that association agreement foresees the suspension in case of violations of human rights,” she added.

Albanese said the EU’s reluctance to use the measures in its power to hold Israel to account perpetuates Israel’s impunity and reveals a “disconnect” between Europe’s political class and the large portion of European society that has persistently called for a ceasefire in the besieged Gaza Strip.

She also said EU leaders need to take more concrete counter-measures against Israel, including revoking diplomatic recognition and targeted sanctions on government officials.

  • gian
    7 months ago

    The “few ten thousands” were elected from the millions of people.

    Yes, Hamas got 44,45% of the votes in 2006. But 43,5% of Palestinians in Gaza weren‘t even alive then. Most people, that live in Gaza today, didn‘t vote Hamas in 2006.

    This is how a democracy work. Who get more votes is mandated to run the government.
    Now, I could discuss that the 43.5% who do not voted for Hamas (and I am making the assumption that they voted for someone who really want peace) are paying a price for someone else decision but in the end, even if it sad, the voice of the population decided to follow a certain path

    Yes, they are not killing them intentionally, they are collateral damages (awful but sad reality).

    This was a collateral damage?

    Military speaking, yes.

    If the IDF was trying to intentionally kill civilians, let’s say that from a military point of view they are a joke.

    Israel can‘t risk getting that much bad publicity. And why would they want to kill every Palestinian?

    I am not the one saying it. I am the one saying that if they want to kill the civilian to have free land, then they are failing to do so and they look like a joke.

    Maybe, but it is also pretty dumb to not fulfill the with of Hamas and let them kill Israel civilian unpunished.

    I think it is possible to fight Hamas without committing war crimes.

    How ? Some example ?

    Well maybe, just maybe, if they try to be a good neighbor, Israel could begin to consider it.

    What is the Palestinian civilian supposed to do to be a good neighbor? And why has Israel a right to determine if Palestine is allowed to be a state.

    For example, the 43.5% that do not voted Hamas could help the IDF to find the Hamas fighter and weapon storages.

    and help IDF to find the fighters to eradicate only Hamas fighters.

    I am 100% sure there are Palestinians, that do that. There is collaboration in every war. But why would they do that? Why would they help a force, that tries to murder them against a force, that „only“ oppresses them?

    Maybe becasue the one that “only” oppresses them are the ones that are using them as human shields…

    I am not aware that the Israel constitution has the extermination of Gaza in it

    I knew you would come up with that. I never said that. Stop arguing against things you make up. I was saying, that the IDF is currently murdering them, not that it is written in their constitution.

    And I am saying that if you want to stop the murdering you must have both side to agree, in this situation. It is not like that if IDF stops then Hamas will stop too.

    The charter of Hamas is neither the constitution of Gaza, nor Palestine. Saying that is like saying the election program of the democratic party is the constitution of the US, because Joe Biden is the president.

    Fine. Let say that to have peace talks you need to have both side with a compatible political program. I don’t see a peaceful solution if one side has a political program to destroy the other.

    Partially. Palestinian elected Hamas, so as far as I am concerned Hamas is the Legitimate Representation of Palestinians. All the rest is a consequence

    And I disagree. Is it now acceptable to commit war crimes?

    No, but at the same time you cannot cry if your actions make you a target of a war crime. It is awful and not acceptable but this do not absolves you from your responsabilities.