according to a site called democracymatrix there are 35 countries more democratic than the us

the countries
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Germany
  • Switzerland
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
  • Costa Rica
  • Spain
  • Luxembourg
  • Australia
  • Estonia
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • Austria
  • France
  • South Korea
  • Lithuania
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • Taiwan
  • Uruguay
  • Cyprus
  • Chile
  • Slovakia
  • Greece
  • Czech Republic
  • Latvia
  • Barbados
  • Israel

    11 months ago

    Back to the UK and Spain, inside those countries, elections have been held to decide if their regions should split and be independent. However, said elections weren’t quite “fair” as most people in the regions that wanted to be independent did vote on favor of independence, however it was the mayority of the countries’ populations (England and the rest of Spain), that voted to keep things as they are.

    Which votes are you referring to? Speaking for the UK, only the people of Scotland got a vote on their independence.