oh my god i forgot how horny this show was

every episode so far the writers make a desperate plea to be pegged

  • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
    163 months ago

    Farscape was my bisexual awakening. I don’t mean that flippantly or as a silly joke. All those scenes with John Crichton and Aeryn Sun wearing Peacekeeper leathers brought something deep in me to the surface.

    • soliOP
      153 months ago

      I’m watching episode 6 as I write this and Aeryn just said another woman gives her a “woody” 😳

    • soliOP
      3 months ago

      Yeah it’s one of those shows where if you were a fan of it, then that’s it. There has never been anything like this before and nothing like it can be realistically be made again. It inevitably turns you into a weird evangelist.

        • soliOP
          43 months ago

          i personally think it’s all the actual fetish gear they use as costumes and props

            • soliOP
              53 months ago

              god it’s so fucking funny

    • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
      143 months ago

      It’s a really fun ride. It’s basically super-horny cosmic-horror Red Dwarf with a much higher budget. You know you’re in for a treat when the main antagonist is both (a) exactly as friendly as he looks, and (b) the most pleasant and reasonable antagonist in the show. He doesn’t show up until later in the first season. But that’s basically Farscape’s “bearded Riker” moment.

      And you’ll never look at crackers the same way again, because crackers don’t matter.

  • krolden
    103 months ago

    Yes daddy Scorpius please fist me please yes oh god lick my eyeball mmmmmmm yeah

  • soliOP
    53 months ago

    oh hey 12 episodes in and we get gay sex, for some reason i thought this was one of those shows that never went beyond subtext

    it’s not a literal sex scene, it’s a horny alien mind meld, but they do straight up call it sex in dialogue

    no attention is given to it being gay or it being weird, it just happens

    • soliOP
      63 months ago

      So far I haven’t noticed anything that ages it worse than other genre shows of that era. That’s not to say there is nothing - it’s kind of Whedon-y in a lot of ways, including strong “feminist” depictions of women clearly just being a fetish. Though honestly, the show is so horny I’m not sure they’re trying to pretend it is anything else.

    • soliOP
      3 months ago

      Ah damn, if I had waited two episodes before posting I’d have something to add. We’ve got some uncomfortable jokes about gender presentation and a very mild gay joke.

      I don’t think it’s particularly egregious, especially given what was typical at this time, but we’re presented with a character that is assumed to be a man as she looks just like a human male. There is a joke earlier on where the character undresses and the crew jokes about a certain lack down stairs.

      At the end of the episode it’s revealed that this is actually what women of her species look like and she professes her love for a male member of the crew, which is played as a joke. Another crew member who witnesses this then shortly after jokingly asks while flirting with a woman if she is really a female of her species. He is relieved when she says she is.