Of all the things you could critique DSA on, this is the hill you’re going to die on?
DSA deciding to do a mask mandate at this event is unequivocally good and based. Shut the fuck up, you fucking dipshits.
Imagine being this much of a fucking goddamn crybaby about masking. Eat shit, you ableist fucks.
One of the biggest lessons this pandemic has taught me is the astounding number of people for whom leftism is really just performative, and that when push comes to shove, these people will make the biggest fucking stink about having to do something even mildly inconvenient for even a single fucking event or context and show themselves for who they really are.
If this was about Marxist Unity, calling them Neo-kauts is kinda unfair to them. It’s more like “Kautsky’s writings have things we could learn from, but he was a renegade and Lenin was right about him.” They’ve explicitly said this.