• Blyfh
    218 days ago

    Or someone just made a mistake. If anything, that’s a grammar error, not a typo. And you’re the only one who bit, no one else mentioned it once.

    • @terminally_offline
      118 days ago

      Someone had to mention it, otherwise people will keep doing this. I’ve seen so many typos in memes recently that it’s definitely beyond the “mistake” realm.

      • Blyfh
        218 days ago

        Have you considered that these people might just be non-native and are struggling with a second language? I really don’t see how it’s that big of a deal.

        • @terminally_offline
          118 days ago

          I’m no native speaker of English either. It’s just a matter of effort, or a matter of not being a troll. Either way they can do better.