I’ll start:

  • Tmux
  • vim
  • ghidra
  • okteta (hex editor)
  • speedcrunch (calculator with bit manipulation)
  • python3 with IPython for nice reply and embed(), pwntools
  • @Fryboyter@discuss.tchncs.de
    1 year ago
    • andrew
      21 year ago

      I’d drop keepassxc and pick up GNU password store or gopass. Pgp+git and a nice cli to wrap them onto an encrypted password store that’s pretty easy to move around these days.

      • GNU password store

        The tool, unless something has changed in the meantime, has one major drawback for me. The filename of the encrypted files is displayed in plain text. However, I don’t want people to be able to see, for example, which Internet sites I have an account with. Sure you can name the files otherwise. But how should I remember for example that the file dafderewrfsfds.gpg contains the access data for Mastodon?

        In addition, I miss with pass some functions. As far as I know, you can’t save file attachments. Or define when a password expires. And so on. Pass is therefore too KISS for me.

        Pgp+git and a nice cli to wrap them onto an encrypted password store that’s pretty easy to move around these days.

        A matter of opinion, I would say. I prefer my Keepass file which I can access via my Nextcloud instance or which is stored on a USB stick on my keychain.

        By the way, the file is secured with a Yubikey in addition to a Diceware password. So saving it in the so-called cloud is no problem. Just as a note, in case someone reading my post wants to make smart remarks about the cloud.

      • For me, this is the main reason why I use micro. And because I don’t like the handling of vim. Funnily enough, I’ve been playing around with Helix for a while now and I really like the editor, even though it’s a modal editor, just like vim. Maybe because of the selection → action model. The question is, do I like Helix better than micro? I still have to answer that question for myself at some point.