Weekly thread for any and all career, learning and general guidance questions. Thinking of taking a training or going for a cert? Wondering how to level up your career? Wondering what NOT to do? Got other questions? This is the time and place to ask!

    • @matt
      111 months ago

      @shellsharks@infosec.pub Sorry, was offline for a few days! Not really sure what I’m looking for, honestly? Mostly someone to kind of push me for doing more/exploring more? I’d like to focus in on AI security as well as container security and I know I can start that work on my own – I just know it’s easier/more likely for me to do things if I have someone filling in the blanks on things I don’t know that I don’t know. I’ll start with those there (been following She Hacks Purple and InfoSec Sherpa for a bit) and see if any long hanging fruit shakes lose from the tree, thanks again!

      • shellsharksOPMA
        311 months ago

        I’ve seen some good AI-related security things out of OWASP lately and some container security stuff from DataDog if you want to do a little googling.