Option 1: Buy yourself the appearance of an insufferable snob, with expensive clothes, expensive car, and expensive aesthetical surgeries.
Option 2: Do not say it directly, but rather make it apparent through context, such as talking of a travel you’ve made to a place that is generally considered to be expensive.
Option 3: Tell them directly how much you make and that you want them to fuck and marry your money.
Why would you tell women what you make?
I make well into 6 figures but I feel like advertising that while dating is a recipe for failure
That’s exactly why I start every conversation by telling women I’m homeless.
Kidding aside, I agree that you should talk financials after a time but if they’re asking super early about how much you make, that’s a red flag.
Because it’s a flex. People do it all the time. I don’t agree with it but it’s common.
Option 1: Buy yourself the appearance of an insufferable snob, with expensive clothes, expensive car, and expensive aesthetical surgeries.
Option 2: Do not say it directly, but rather make it apparent through context, such as talking of a travel you’ve made to a place that is generally considered to be expensive.
Option 3: Tell them directly how much you make and that you want them to fuck and marry your money.