And if you somehow disagree with flushing it down if it is brown, I suppose I would like to hear about that as well.

  • yeah that was probably true 30-40 years ago when small tanks without baffles and straight outlet pipes were common. if you have an old property that hasn’t had the tank replaced, do that. but these days bigger tanks have baffle separators between settling compartments, an output baffle, and a strainer on the output. you almost never get any solids going out to the leech field unless the strainer collapses and the input will clog long before that is likely to happen.

      24 months ago

      If you have to throw your toilet paper in the trash instead of flushing it in order to not have issues then yeah, you’re not emptying it often enough.

      But hey, you do you and you deal with the issues, I mean, what’s a new septic system when you can save the equivalent of 100$ a year, right?