After this meta-post about a Lemmy instance got removed, I became curious: where are the communities that contain general discussion about the state of the broader Lemmy community itself?

The bigger communities I found when looking for Fediverse meta content are:

But most of the communities are much smaller and less popular:

Most of the "meta"communities I found were specific to a single server. Which is great for reporting server issues themselves, but not so great for understanding the broader community.

TL;DR where drama

    • @anarchost@lemm.eeOP
      4 months ago

      I now understand less

      Personal disdain for a community ≠ personal disdain for a whole server ≠ commentary on a meta level

      • @xor
        24 months ago

        e.g. ≠ i.e.

        i.e. this was a good example of why i don’t like it…
        point being, every meme on there is an anti-biden, anti-democrat, biden = genocide meme…
        the fact that they’re already trying so hard to politicize this tragedy, is pretty gross to me… and then every time i find someone spamming like 500 “biden is the genocide” comments, the poster ends with

        so, basically it has a very toxic userbase that is spamming the rest of lemmy with thinly veiled, pro-trump propaganda, and the mods are complicit.

        this is my own observation, but other users have said as much… lemmy became instantly much better as soon as i blocked it.

        hexbear also thrives on negativity, but they do have something to add, sometimes…

        • @anarchost@lemm.eeOP
          44 months ago

          Which is exactly the kind of content I’d expect to see in a meta-Lemmy/Lemmy drama community, yeah

          • @xor
            14 months ago

            well, you could just make a community…

            • @anarchost@lemm.eeOP
              34 months ago

              I think I’d probably join one of the five I mentioned above, versus making my own with hookers and blackjack. Mostly because I don’t know how to play blackjack.

              I was initially prompting you for a link to a community, since it seemed you were familiar with one… Not an actual drama post right here.

              • @xor
                24 months ago

                look here, you have no right to tell me what is and what is not an appropriate response about dramatic communities…

                furthermore, blackjack is a game of gentlemen and scholars, i doubt a lemmite of your caliber could grasp and appreciate such a fine endeavor…

                and lastly, the proper term is ‘sex worker’… “hooker” is hate speech and… i dunno, reprehensible i guess