i’m getting comments removed by an unnamed “mod” with “no reason”

i mean, i actually took time and effort to write out multiple paragraphs, and it violated no rules


please tell me someone there cares about that

  • @xorOP
    14 months ago

    lol, no… also the mod responded that they should’ve just left it up but is having a hard time restoring it.

    you sound like one of those people that tries to latch on to any perceived flaw in a post and tries really hard to get an emotional reaction out of it.

    a troll, you sound like a troll

    you lost your argument so you’re just trying to be an asshat instead

    • @zachimusprime44@lemmy.world
      24 months ago

      I honestly regret removing them now, I cant even access the comment anymore it just loads forever on my screen

      I shouldn’t even be a mod.

      • @xorOP
        14 months ago

        the fact that you’re responding and expressing regret means you (likely) should be a mod.
        humans make mistakes, or have emotional reactions, etc…

        also, i think it’s some error with lemmy at large… i’ve had more that one comment removed, and there’s alway a link to view it that doesn’t work in my app, so then i open it in the browser and it’s still blank.

        the only way i was able to see it was in the lemmy.world/modlog

    • @zachimusprime44@lemmy.world
      24 months ago

      OOTL mod here, I can’t even access the comment anymore it just loads forever on my screen, seems like removing comments is irreversible ☹️

      • @xorOP
        14 months ago
