im gonna catch up on sleep

  • Skua
    44 months ago

    I’m learning Gàidhlig and have a speaking exam coming up, so I’m practicing with a friend on the same course on Saturday. Sunday I’m being way less productive and getting together with some friends for lunch and a session of Victoria 2. I’m kinda anxious to get out of the house for a bit too, as weather and illness have kept me stuck indoors for a while

      • Skua
        24 months ago

        I tried self-teaching with some books and Duolingo, but I was struggling to keep a real focus on it and not making any good progress. I live in a part of the country with little in the way of any Gaelic culture, so there wasn’t a lot that I could make use of locally either. Turns out the University of the Highlands and Islands does a distance learning course that is very cheap for anyone living in Scotland, so I’ve been doing that and getting along much better. By its nature it also means I know a few more people that are also trying to learn

          24 months ago

          Thanks. I’m encouraged to hear that something like this exists, it’s important that some of these cultural things survive