• Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
    5 months ago

    I don’t really have any recent ones, but I think my most recent one would be Doom Eternal. That’s not saying that it’s a bad game, I can understand why people like it. I’m just not a fan of how it plays compared to the original Dooms or even Doom 2016. My biggest complaint is really about how little ammo you can carry for each weapon. I don’t like being forced to switch weapons all the time or else glory kill every other enemy. I wasn’t a fan of glory kills in Doom 2016 because I felt like they interrupted the pacing in an otherwise fast-paced game, but I put up with them because you could ignore them if you wanted to. You can’t really ignore them (or the chainsaw kills) in Doom Eternal though, otherwise you’ll find yourself regularly running low on ammo. I guess at least the chainsaw has more utility in Doom Eternal than it did in the original games (on harder difficulties it’s hard to justify the chainsaw on anything except low-tier enemies), but I never finished the game because of the ammo restrictions.

    Another game I have regrets about is The Sims 4. I knew I was getting into a dlc-pit but it didn’t bother me too much because I tend to subscribe to the “Paradox Method” - buy what you like, pirate the rest - when it comes to games with lots of DLC. Additionally, when I pick up a game and really enjoy it, I don’t have problems dropping money on dlc because I tend to play it for hundreds or even thousands of hours. However what I wasn’t expecting was that I’d end up pirating the entire game anyway because updates almost always break mods and there’s no way to disable updates (Origin let you do it, but neither steam nor the new EA games app lets you disable updates). So what was the point of buying anything if I was going to have to pirate the game to stop updates from randomly breaking shit?

    Edit: some games I don’t have buyer’s remorse for are Cruelty Squad, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, and Factorio. Those could easily be 2x the price and still be worth it imo.

    • @A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world
      25 months ago

      My biggest complaint is really about how little ammo you can carry for each weapon. I don’t like being forced to switch weapons all the time or else glory kill every other enemy.

      I do like what they were going for but I totally agree, I don’t want to constantly feel like I’m suffocating (low/out of ammo) when I’m trying to tear through nightmare-level hoards of enemies. Just let me rip and tear!!

      I’m a hardcore Quake and Half-Life player so constantly switching weapons and using my full arsenal at once comes naturally to me, but I was still struggling the whole way through the game.