Happened to me a few days ago, and I just can’t believe how bad this redesign is!!

It’s hard to comprehend what goes into the heads of that dev team, but they basically ruined everything nice about the platform. The API changes were pretty much a fatal shot already, but this new redesign seems to be what tipped the scales for me, and hopefully many more.

It’s a great time to switch to Lemmy, and I think I’m going to make the effort to stick around and abandon the habit of opening reddit multiple times per day.

Do you think forcing this re-design will bring more people here? I’m hoping for that. Reddit betrayed us and I can’t find it me to keep forgiving them for every horrible, anti-user decision.

I noticed in some moderator subreddit, that it is planned to kill new.reddit.com as well. Old will likely stay for longer, but new is what I got used to, and if they take it down I won’t bother getting used to the newer, garbage UX.

  • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
    5 months ago

    “Forced” is a really weird way to describe it. Companies redesign their physical and virtual spaces all the time and people [edit: usually] don’t react like it’s an act of violence.

    • Rikudou_Sage
      205 months ago

      Funny thing is, they do. Our company’s app is in the middle of redesign. Previously the “design” was made by programmers just making it work and not really caring that much about visuals. Now there’s actual vision and concept behind the new design and yet we’ve already got some complaints. People always treat redesigns like a personal insult.

      • WEAPONX
        25 months ago

        Because you take away their safe space. I went through this with every major Firefox redesign. Then i spend several hours trying to reverse the changes through css.

    • Stern
      55 months ago

      When its bad enough they do… hell a redesign is what killed Digg (arguments that it was already falling off aside) and new reddit is pretty dogshit.