• deweydecibel
    185 months ago

    How sad that of all the reasons to support the candidate who isn’t a raging fascist, this is the one people care about the most?

    Like…yeah, marijuana is great, but holy shit there’s a lot more important things going on in the world.

    • sar1n
      265 months ago

      It’s not just about being able to smoke weed, it’s more about the disproportionate amount of minorities who get unjust prison sentences over a fucking flower. I’d say to POC it’s pretty important.

    • @BradleyUffner@lemmy.world
      75 months ago

      I don’t smoke weed, and probably wouldn’t even if legalized, but I fully support its legalization because of the absolutely MASSIVE negative effect the war on drugs has had on minority communities.

      I don’t really care if people smoke it or not, I care about the people getting their lives destroyed for smoking it.

    • @workerONE@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      The ven diagram of people who are cool with fascism and people who are cool with cannabis must overlap.

      There’s people in prison for cannabis, doing decades or even life sentences. To people effected by these laws this is an important subject. And I bet States could still keep it illegal and keep people in prison if they choose to. But I can see how it might not seem like a big deal if you think this only effects whether it can be bought it in a store or from a weed dealer.

      • Zuberi 👀
        -25 months ago

        This will only affect whether it can be bought in a store or not lol…

    • Ann Archy
      5 months ago

      Take your pick:

      White man in his 80’s, likes folk dance, great conversationalist, hates gays.

      White man also in his 80’s, champion of birth control, proponent of extraconstitutional presidential acts, and wants to enslave black people.

      Make sure to fill in the X properly, else your vote may be void: