Currently growing 3 different cucumbers(lemon,marketmore,Persian), jalapeños,Thai chilis,bell pepper, banana pepper, tomatoes, some butter crunch lettuce that hasn’t bolted yet surprisingly,broccoli. All on the same stand and getting great harvests! I keep ph around 6.5 and EC around 2.5. Im debating going full hydro for everything except trees/bush/root veggies since it’s been so rewarding.

  • kaateeh
    1 year ago

    Lemon Cucumber is like a weed, you’ll get millions of them you won’t be able to eat fast enough ;) I’m curious to try peppers in hydro. I have the best results planting them in 5gal buckets. Those I planted to the ground are kind of miserable little plants. I think I should pinch first flowers, because they have fruits already, but plants are small.