I feel like I’ve been gaslit into running FOSS but every success only brings me closer to fighting god

  • @renard_roux@beehaw.org
    65 months ago

    Google EOL’d my beloved Asus C302 Chromebook, and now it runs Fedora with KDE. I’m super happy with it ❤️

    Now tentatively working on turning my 2009 Mac Mini into a Fedora server/homelab.

    So far it’s running Fedora desktop/KDE, and I’m slowly trying to figure out how to get Docker to work so I can run stuff like Audiobookshelf. If I manage to get it working, I’ll try going full Fedora Server instead of the desktop version.

    • @Quexotic
      35 months ago

      This is the biggest reason for me; old hardware.

      Wanna try and kill my 8 year old laptop by refusing to support it? Fine. Lubuntu.

      • @renard_roux@beehaw.org
        15 months ago

        There’s so much waste everywhere, let alone in tech. Being able to both “recycle” old hardware, and find legitimate use for it, should be celebrated.

        Now if only I knew what to do about my old phones … I’m pretty good at making them last, so my older ones are very old, and I can’t think of anything useful for them to do that whatever phone I currently have doesn’t do much better 🤔