• amzd
    245 months ago

    Deciding not to get a car; it saves ~400.000 euros in my lifetime which at 40k net a year income means 8-10 year earlier pension

    • @GiddyGap@lemm.ee
      165 months ago

      Ahh, European public transportation. Not an option in the US unless you live in NYC and rarely leave the city.

      • @Hazzia@discuss.tchncs.de
        35 months ago

        I just got a new job near DC that I can actually take the train to from MD. It’s like 2 hours each way but I don’t have to fuckin drive (except to the station) so 100% worth

        • @Psychodelic@lemmy.world
          15 months ago

          I legit can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. lol

          I can’t imagine being ok with a 4-hr daily commute in a private car with all the amenities, much less one on a public train.

          You’re way tougher than I am, if you’re serious, I’ll say that!

          • @saigot@lemmy.ca
            35 months ago

            A public train or bus is a way nicer commute than in a car. In a car you can’t really do anything but drive. On a train you can do just about any seated task. I wfh now but when I didn’t I would login and start work during my commute.

            • @Psychodelic@lemmy.world
              15 months ago

              Fair enough. I’ve only had to use a train in one city when I would go to the airport and that shit was terrifying sometimes. Also, I can just listen to an audiobook if I’m trying to be productive in the car

          • @Hazzia@discuss.tchncs.de
            5 months ago

            Right, i forgot to mention that my current commute is about 3 hours of driving. I am also super suceptible to road rage, so without fail I end up spiking my cortisol begore even getting to work.

            I am gladly swapping it out for an extra hour of being able to do shit like watch youtube and doodle (plus it pays a hell of a lot more than my current job)

    • @weeeeum@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I’m so jealous. My work is only a mile away, which in a perfect world I could walk in 10 mins, but because of many slow crosswalks and busy intersections it’s like 30 mins freezing my balls off. Plus there’s a section of road that’s 40mph (64kmh) with no sidewalk, and a bridge that forces pedestrians onto the high speed road. It’s both slow and basically suicide if I tried to make a habit of walking.

      There’s another route but the intersection I would need to cross is excruciatingly slow. I had to sit for 15 minutes before I could cross. Plus it’s another 40mph road and if someone runs a red I basically die.

      • amzd
        15 months ago

        40mph is 64kmph not 93kmph but yeah that’s still uncomfortable to bike besides if it’s busy. I’d say instead of posting it here, send a letter to your local government.

        • @weeeeum@lemmy.world
          15 months ago

          My bad, I have changed it now. Thankfully my town is already working on it, I’m just waiting for the pedestrian infrastructure to spread beyond the town square.

    • GreatAlbatross
      25 months ago

      I keep meaning to look at exactly what my small car costs per year.
      Last estimate was £1000 a year on fuel, parts, and maintenance.

      Which is equivalent to 50+ hours of car club use.
      For now, I have too many “shit, I need to get this large/heavy object 5 miles away” moments to make it worth it.
      But long term, I kinda like the idea of not having to worry about the car.

      • amzd
        15 months ago

        Insurance and depreciation are the bigger costs I think, but even ignoring those; if you have “heavy objects” less than once a week it would probably still be cheaper to just rent a van when you need it. Convenience might be an argument but yeah that’s what you pay the big bucks for.

        • GreatAlbatross
          15 months ago

          That figure actually includes depreciation and insurance! In fact, almost half of it is just the bloody insurance… Though I should possibly make an allowance in the figure for future repair work, as it’s an older car.

          I think once my big project (and associated last second trips to the builder’s merchant) is finished, I’ll have a go at living without the car.
          My housemates may not be too happy about the private taxi service shutting down though!

          • amzd
            15 months ago

            Average car insurance cost in London is 1200-1600, surely yours isn’t less than half that?

            • GreatAlbatross
              15 months ago

              That’s the benefit of not-london and a small car: It’s under £500!