So, coming from the world of RIF where downvotes haven’t been a thing for quite some time: what are downvotes for in Lemmy?
What am I expressing when I downvote?

I don’t agree with the post? I don’t want the post to gain notoriety? I don’t like the sentiment or the way it’s expressed (even if it’s factually true)?


    01 year ago

    Down votes are for poor quality posts and comments. They are not for things you disagree with unless it’s also a bad post. It’s also for community enforcement of rules and norms.

    Examples: “Hitler did nothing wrong”… Down votes and report to moderators.

    What about Obama violating the Constitution killing Americans without due process. He stayed president so Trum can to. - down vote and explain the logical fallacy.

    Pink and magenta are the same color! - down vote because it’s factually wrong.

    Thomas Kinkade is a great artist! And here is why … - up vote and comment on why you disagree and try to encourage discussion.

    Skunks smell good! - up vote and discuss how some people have generic difference that make skunks not smell as bad.