2024 might be the breakout year for efficient ARM chips in desktop and laptop PCs.

  • @corbinOP
    16 months ago

    Right, it’s less exciting now because it’s already here. I’m not expecting radically improved GPT models or whatever in 2024, probably just more iteration. The most exciting stuff there might be local AI tech becoming more usable, like we’ve seen with stable diffusion.

    • @sir_reginald@lemmy.world
      06 months ago

      I’m just expecting performance optimisations, especially for local LLMs. Right now there are models as good as GPT-4 (Goliath 120B), but they require 2 RTX 4090 to run.

      The models that require less powerful equipment are not as good, of course.

      But hopefully, given enough time, good enough models will be able to run with mid end hardware.