Mine is Strawberry since it has a ton of options and plays a ton of formats. It’s also (distant) fork of Amarok 1.4 and integrates well with KDE Plasma. I’m curious what other people are using these days. What’s your favorite player?

    • @ChallengeApathy
      26 months ago

      Try RiMusic on F-Droid. FOSS front-end to YT Music, like having Premium without a subscription. Aside from some crashing and offline downloads issues, it’s great.

      • @library_napper@monyet.cc
        06 months ago

        Thanks. Just tried it but every time I add one song to the queue, it adds a ton of others to my queue that I did not add. How do I make it stop doing that?

        • @ChallengeApathy
          16 months ago

          That’s odd, did you go to an artist’s page directly? I just listen to full albums rather than creating a queue so maybe that’s why I didn’t encounter the issue you’re describing.