Smartphone manufacturers still want to make foldables a thing::Foldables are barely 1% of the market, but that’s not stopping anyone but Apple.

  • @viking
    86 months ago

    The only advantage I see are movies, but then again for a static display I can just use my laptop or a TV.

    I guess gaming could be something, if you’re into that. Personally all those microtransaction BS makes me steer clear of wanting any games on my phone.

      46 months ago

      Tablets are cheaper and lighter than laptops so if someone just wants to watch videos while traveling or commuting, a tablet is often a better option than a laptop.

      16 months ago

      Imo movies on anything smaller than 40" with a sweet sound system is blasphemy.

      And I don’t play many games these days but when I do it’s on a proper PC for pretty much the same reason (plus the micro transactions as you mentioned).

      Also, touchscreens drive me nuts for anything more advanced than like browsing Mastodon.