I feel like I would make use of it more if I could do it again. Maybe that’s weird, I don’t know.

Edit; To ask more of a question. What would you do differently?

  • soli
    6 months ago

    No, but as a hypothetical button I could just press sure. It’d allow me to take preemptive measures about my health.

    I’d care even less about school and leave as young as possible. Then go for some vocational training and/or one of the alternate pathways if I want to go to university. Not once has how I did in high school ever been relevant to my life. My higher education has mattered, but dropping out doesn’t stop you from going into it - though it can be more (or less) difficult depending on what you want to study.

    The combination of puberty and not being able to date would suck though. At least I know what meds absolutely kill my libido and they’d be extremely easy to get prescribed. Problem is, even after I’m an adult it’d be a headfuck - I’ve always been into people older than me as is. I wonder if instead of chasing milfs and dilfs that I’d be adding a g infront with how long my lived experience would be at that point.

    If it’s time travel too all the usual bullshit to becoming filthy rich applies.