Based on data from it seems that the majority of instances blocks I’m sure there’s Lemmy instances with either approach that have slipped through the cracks as the list is a work in progress.

The percentage of users doesn’t correlate to instances as the biggest instance on the Lemmyverse has roughly 3x the users of the second largest, a NSFW instance, 4x the users of the biggest “niché” instance and 5x the users of what I see as the second largest general purpose instance.

  • Leraje
    376 months ago

    There might be no benefit to you but the people who would be the direct targets of every hate group like LibsOfTikTok currently active on Threads probably feel a bit differently.

    This is in no way a knee-jerk reaction to a hypothetical alarm. Meta have directly contributed to a genocide and allow hate groups to grow unchecked on Threads. It blows my mind that the fediverse - itself built as a series of alternatives to shitty companies doing shitty things - thinks the harm Meta will do is hypothetical and unproven.

    The benefits to not federating are many, but the best one, in my opinion, is not exposing current fediverse users who will be targeted to those who will target them.

      6 months ago

      And that’s why you can personally block it like any other instance in your settings. It’s no different than blocking a lemmy instance that also harbors those exact same kind of people.

      • fmstrat
        186 months ago

        Blocking them as a user is not the same. Your content can still get to them.

      • Leraje
        6 months ago

        At the moment, Threads runs from one domain. Do you seriously think it’s going to stay that way? They also have 100 million users, compared to less than 2 million across the entire fediverse. Once Threads gets serious about federation - maybe a year or two from now - what you’re suggesting is going to be like constant whack-a-mole. That’s in no way a fun prospect.

        And even if they stick with one domain (which they won’t) - the hate groups on Threads will still be producing content that other fediverse users will be talking about/linking to/quoting etc. The fediverse is very quickly going to become a miserable place to be for those who thought they had found a place where they could be free of all that harassment.