• @demesisx
    17 months ago

    this view is a common one among people on the liberal-to-left pipeline, which you appear to be on. It’s a byproduct of a liberal understanding of the world, and the media does its part in constantly reinforcing the idea that left-wing ideas are fundamentally unpopular among wide swathes of the population, who are ignorant, stupid, sexist racists, and so there must be compromise if you are to succeed.

    I am literally observing an entire government that is against the very things that you

    and I


    I would like a benevolent group of Anarcho Syndicalists to topple this government and kill capitalism in its tracks but that’s just not the reality we’re in. Fuck me for describing REALITY, huh?

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
      7 months ago

      The government, as in the state, is just the tool of the bourgeoisie as a class, as per Lenin’s description of the concept. Of course they’re going to support reactionary structures, that’s what keeps them in power.

      Trust me, I know that you want a magic bullet solution to this whole thing. “Oh, the problem with the Left is just that they haven’t considered X as part of their strategy!” It doesn’t work. The only thing that works is the hard work of engendering class consciousness among the population. This has been THE central problem for left-wing movements in the imperial core for literally a century. Groups have tried the whole “Alright, we’ll be homophobic, we’ll be racist, if we just get white male workers to vote us into power and support us, and then we can do communism and improve conditions for everybody” thing. It never works. The party inevitably becomes corrupted by those same reactionary impulses.

      It’s also not human nature, falling in doomer resignation about “Oh, humans are just cruel and selfish and tribal!” and giving up and playing video games all day also isn’t the answer - if it was, then no socialist revolution could have possibly worked, and they demonstrably have. It’s all part of how workers in the imperial core are conditioned by their relatively higher position above workers in the periphery and semi-periphery, as well as bourgeois propaganda that reinforces (but does not fundamentally create) fear that their meagre position in the imperial core will be taken away by minority groups, and they’ll have to live like a Pakistani textile worker. It all destroys class consciousness.

      • @demesisx
        17 months ago

        Agreed. So are we all just sitting here, bitching about it, realizing that the mere thought of clawing back some representation from those baby-bombing ghouls is below us and we’d rather just waste away as neoliberal wage slaves while we wait for one brave soul among us to be the first to actually stand up to it? Picking fights with anyone who isn’t a Marxist scholar in comment sections while those that do stand up to it are executed grotesquely by that same ruling class. I guess, in the end, we’re just biding our time until we get sick of it and get Seth Rich’ed by the Clintons because we yelled a little too loud.