Basically the title. I’m here from the Reddit exodus but I’ve been on mastodon before. But I’m not sure what happens when an instance goes offline or goes down, will I have to make a new account on a different instance instead? Do I lose all my data? Thank you :)

  • @UselesslyBrisk
    21 year ago

    You have to go and search out communities to federate with. This is done at the user level . Even now there are a ton of servers so pulling info on everything would probably overload servers as is.

    Some of the larger instances are spinning up dedicated containers to handle user traffic and others that do just federation. Which makes sense.

    It’s why I like my account here. The folks here are probably more infosec minded and thus, searching all may/has shown me communities I haven’t seen quite yet searching fediverse.

    Others may have similar.

    But TL:DR: no. You instance will only sync what users have searched. So some of the larger instances may have interesting things in “all” that you may not see.

    • @br3ad
      11 year ago

      Thanks for clearing that up!