New to Linux, running Debian (if that matters), dot files are configuration files, yes? Do I need to explore each app/UI/program to figure out the possible options? Are there any universals in Linux? Across distros?


    47 months ago

    Yeah dot files are config files, and usually apps have one. And yes, you would have to explore each program to see what the settings do.

    You picked Debian now, just be aware that all software is very old and when you read docs for programs, you probably have to read about older versions instead of the current one.

      47 months ago

      very old

      Obviously it’s subjective but Debian doesn’t use ancient software. For instance Bookworm has Python 3.11; the current Python is 3.12. Some software updates slowly enough that you end up with the latest version. I seem to recall zsh being up to date. But yeah, make sure you’re using the correct version when looking up docs.