• @0x4E4F
    7 months ago

    Ukraine could have gulped and kept on opening markets towards the east (China and the likes… which is what Russia wants, no doubt there). They should have kept close relations with Russia, even after the annexation, cuz… you know, it’s Russia, they can prertty much do whatever they want 🤷.

    And going on with that logic “my body, my choice”, here is where we end up. Thousands of civillians dead, soldiers as well, and they still won’t get what they want - being a part of NATO. Russia will never ever let that happen and the war won’t stop unless they completely fall back on this.

    As I said, you can’t do whatever you want when your neighbour is an ex heavyweight champ. Sure, you can call the cops if pushing comes to shoving, but do consider what that person can do to you in the 5, 10 minutes that will take for the police to arrive.

    • 520
      17 months ago

      There is literally nothing they could have done that would have kept Russia from invading. Do you keep forgetting they annexed Crimea in 2014?

      • @0x4E4F
        17 months ago

        That was an easy target, plus the population there is mostly Russian, so there was no objection or resistance from the local population. Putin knew this, that’s why they went for it. On the other hand, there was going to be war if he tried the same with the rest of Ukraine. And I agree, after reasurrances that Ukraine won’t try and be a part of NATO, Russia still finds an excuse to attack, yes, there is no way avoiding war. But, this option was never tried, so we’ll never know…